April 22, 2014

Back to (almost) Normal

Oh, hello there. Long time, no post. Taxes were calling my name and they aren't keen on sharing.

I won't bore you with the details of my day to day but let's just say that I'm happy that I most likely will never have to fill out another 1040 (besides my own) as long as I live. I'm not quitting my job or anything but will mainly be focusing on Corporate tax from now on. Corp tax has a 'busy season' as well but it's less hectic than individual tax as we are working year-round to figure out taxable income. If you ever have a case of insomnia, come ask me about book-to-tax differences and I'll sure to bore you to sleep.

I ended up taking Thursday and Friday off last week for my best friend's wedding which was absolutely amazing and beautiful. I used to think that there really wasn't much difference between being engaged and married if you already share housing/finances/a dog but there is something magical about promising yourself to another person for life in front of a hundred people.

Speaking of weddings, July 19th is coming up fast. I'm definitely looking forward to it but will feel a little relieved when there isn't a list a hundred lines long of things left to do. I am trying to live more in the present but in truth I'm more looking forward to the wedding being over so Mike and I can carry-on being husband and wife.

Well now that you are updated on my life since I last posted, I'm excited to share with you some little updates we've been doing between all the craziness. It's funny that no matter how much life throws at us, we still find time to visit Home Depot (sometimes twice in one day!).


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