September 2, 2014

Exterior Update Part II

Things have finally started to settle down from the wedding and we are so excited to be turning our attention back to the house. At tonight's HOA meeting we will be voting on which bid we are going with for the fence project that I mentioned a few months ago.

Once that is complete, we will turn our attention to redoing the exterior of all the units which has been in the back of my mind for a while. Apparently I have been subconsciously logging away options because when I actually sat down to make the mood board above, it came together quickly.

Proving that inspiration can come from anywhere, the two buildings I keep referencing back to are a restaurant and Barre studio from our neighborhood. Both have a dark grey exterior with warm wood details that give the overall feeling of being modern but not cold. The horizontal wood slats would tie in our new front fence and provide some visual interest to the "planter boxes" that are outside of every window but impractical in every way from a planting / watering perspective.

If you remember, we were debating changing the siding from wood shingles to another material, but after weighing costs and options, I thinking repainting the shingles (while still replacing all the rotten trim & broken shingles) would leave a budget for landscaping. The landscaping we do have right now isn't awful and probably was once pretty, but what we are left with now are a few sad bushes and a lawn full of weeds. Throw in a serious drought and some cut-rate gardeners and the whole place is just looking sad.

As I've said before, we are blessed with neighbors who also realize the potential of our small complex and I can't wait to put our heads together to make our home beautiful. As with any project, it needs one person to take ownership to get things done and I'm excited to have my nights and weekends back to focus on my true passion - my home, my family, and of course, this blog!

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