December 30, 2013

Meet the Newest Member of the Family

This Christmas my favorite present has to be this little guy. A 5-month old Pomeranian-Chihuahua mix named Goose. Mike and I have been stalking all the dog shelters in town for the right pup and are so happy to call this one ours.

One of the many reasons Mike and I decided to buy our own place is so we could get a dog. Mike grew up with always having a (large) dog but Goose is my first and I couldn't be happier with the little guy. As we started seriously talking about getting a dog we both agreed that we wanted to adopt. People have the right to make their own choice concerning their pets but I just couldn't justify spending a lot of money on a dog when their are so many in shelters waiting to find a home. If you are open to having a chihuahua or pitbull mix, definitely think about adopting first. I was shocked to see how strongly these two breeds were represented in all the shelters.

Last night was our first night with Goose and he was an angel. The previous owner of Goose actually had rescued him from a shelter when he was 2-months old and did a wonderful job training him and obviously had loved him very much before she had to give him up because of her living situation. I was nervous about house training a pup but luckily she did that for us. He can be a little skittish but is also very curious & loving and doesn't bark -- not even at squirrels which is awesome because there is an invasion of them around here.

He's a tiny little guy but already proving to be a great companion. I'm working from home this week and he has been my shadow all day - following me from room to room and curling up by my feet. Mike has a dog-friendly workplace so Goose will probably accompany him to work a few days a week as soon as we get to know him/ his habits & tendencies a little better. 

We didn't set out to get a Chihuahua but I'm falling more in love with this pup by the hour. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and were able to spend some time relaxing with their loved ones. 

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