September 16, 2013

Cleared Out

Mike and I have had some crazy, busy weekends and this last one was no exception. Although we did the bulk of our move a week ago, we still had some loose ends to tie up with the apartment. Originally, we thought we would need to repaint the whole place back to a neutral color since it would be easier for our landlord to rent it out but luckily one of our good friends is actively hunting for a one bedroom place and our complex is strangely cheap compared to most other places. If he ends up taking the place and he likes the dark blue/grey, our landlord agreed that we could keep it that color and we promised our friend if he moves out we would donate our slave labor to paint it back to whatever color it needs to be. I call that a win-win.

Other than that, we got everything cleaned up in about a day. Our landlord was actually really happy that we had taken such good care of the place and that the carpet is as good as it was the first day Mike moved in thanks to our no-shoes-inside policy. I took some pictures after we had gotten everything cleared out and cleaned up and it doesn't even look like the same place.

I've heard in places such as San Francisco where the vacancy rate is extremely low, people often "pass down" their apartments to people they know. Our friend was worried that it would be weird to live someplace where you knew the previous tenants so well but I think with any place, it takes a while to make it feel like your own. Even though Mike and I hold the title to our new place, we are still struggling with this feeling as well. I'm hoping after a few DIY projects and some time, this place will really start to feel like home.

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