September 23, 2013

If I Could Do Anything in the World...

Interior design is one of those things I had no clue I liked until about a year and a half ago. My mom actually was going back to school to get her AA in interior design when she passed away but I had given it little thought until recently when I had my first space (our apartment) that I had free reign over. Since the space was tiny and I was in school, improvements needed to be creative and cheap but I actually had a lot of time to experiment. Although having the house torn apart was not Mike's favorite thing to come home to, he graciously gave me space to create.

I'm sad that my mom never got to experience the explosion of the blog world, pinterest, or etsy because I think she would have absolutely loved it. I know that it is an endless source of inspiration for me and where a lot of my ideas come from. The other day a friend asked what were my favorite blogs for inspiration and DIY projects. Pinterest obviously tops the list for pictures of interiors that I draw inspiration from, but I also find that things are often repetitive or not my style. So in case any of you were wondering, here it is... my top five favorite design blogs and why.

1) Apartment Therapy - This blog is a powerhouse of all things house and home. Written by many contributors yet still edited by a paid staff, this blog is meant to be read many times a day as new content gets posted hourly from about 6am-3pm PST. Some highlights include house tours of real people's (stylish) homes and the best 'before and after' peices on the web.

2) Young House Love - YHL is the first thing I read when I wake up (preferrably while still in bed). It's written by a very cute but real couple out in Virginia that took a blog similar to this one from a hobby to a full-time job for both of them in about 4 years. This blog definitely wins for the most informative DIYs and most relatable writers.

3) Little Green Notebook - by blogger Jenny Komenda is one of my favorite for design projects that are a little out of the ordinary. She definitely pushes the line and isn't afraid to try new things. She is currently fixing up a very grandma-ish home that her and her husband purchased out in Arizona and I've been continually amazed at the huge projects she's been taking on.

4) Style by Emily Henderson - Emily is probably the most 'famous' of the bunch and got her start on HGTV. She definitely has her own look which is pretty much summed up by peacock blue velvet, brass trinkets, and fiddle-leaf fig trees. An odd mix but it works everytime. If I could steal a career in decorating, hers would be it. Only reason I don't read her blog more often is it can feel a little too 'sponsored' sometimes.

5) Design*Sponge - Weird name, awesome blog. Similar to #1 in the sense that it is written by multiple contributors and can even have overlapping content but has a different feeling to it because it doesn't stick to just decor. Although it's updated with around 5 different articles everyday, I don't check it as often as I do AT but still always find something useful or beautiful when i mozy on over there.

I feel like I should make this list every year to see if my favorites change. I've always been curious what it would be like to be a professional blogger and really admire what these people have accomplished. My dream is to one day contribute to the design world instead of just watching from the sidelines but would dread leaving accounting and the security it provides. I guess we will just have to see what the future holds!

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