October 3, 2013

Living Room Conundrum

I have a serious crush. On this couch:

The Murphy sofa from Room & Board in Indigo. I spotted this lovely piece over at Oh Joy! when she teamed up with Emily Henderson to decorate Joy Cho's new office. The stock color is also one of my favorites - a rich emerald - but Mike isn't sold on a green couch even though he likes the lines of the Murphy sofa.

Oh Joy
Lately I'm really loving the look of jewel toned furniture, neutral walls, natural elements, and lots of texture. A new couch probably isn't in our cards for this year, but our comfy sectional from the apartment is just not working for either of us in the new space. Our living room is long and skinny which makes it hard to figure out where to put furniture.

This is the set up of our current living room now. The corner triangle is the fireplace which is pretty hard to decorate around considering it sticks out into the middle of the room. The two large rectangles are our couches which just feel massive in this space. Plus, I like sectionals when they can be put into one big comfy area that kinda "zones off" the lounge area but split apart like this, they just look a little funny.

Current Setup
Possible Setup

I'd really like to remove the TV as the center of attention but it is what we use this room for so I don't know if it's completely practical. Mike and I agree on most things when it comes to home decor (or he just lets me do what I want), but the TV is the one place he has put his foot down. Like most guys, he wants an overstuffed sectional to spread out on and have people over to watch 'the game' -- which I totally understand but 1) we don't have any type of cable and only get very limited reception with our rabbit ears and 2) no one puts on a better game-day lounge & feast event better than our good friends (who we affectionately call Double D), so why even try to compete? I suggested making our second bedroom as a sort of 'den' but it didn't really stick.

Until then, I'm focusing my attention on finishing these cabinets and dreaming in jewel tones.

Emily Henderson

Apartment Therapy

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