October 28, 2013

Putting our Wedding First

Now that our wedding is less than nine months away, there has been a very big shift in our home. Our list of house 'to-dos' has not just stopped in its tracks, but it turned around and ran the other way. Mike and I knew that buying a house and getting married in the same year was kind of a crazy idea. One I really don't recommend but we knew we wanted to get our foot in the door as housing prices, interest rates, and our rent was skyrocketing. So we made the decision to go for it knowing that we can live frugally if needed and that we are lucky enough to have families that always have our backs.

As much as I love design and interiors, weddings are a whole different ball game. I feel like they get lumped into the same pile sometimes as they both require planning & a good eye but, for me at least, they are vastly different. The interior of your home is always a work in progress which means you don't have to get it 'right' every time. Weddings are a one-day, seriously important and expensive event that will be forever memorialized. Hence, the difference in stress level.

I definitely am excited to have our friends and family there to celebrate our special day and admittedly have gotten more into the planning aspect as things have fallen into place but having a new house and no budget to do anything to it at the moment has been a little crushing for me. I actually sat down and made a comprehensive spread sheet the other day that encompassed all our vendors, contracts, who is paying for what and when, and compared it to our income. Including what we feel comfortable pulling from our savings and the generosity of our parents, we have about $600 to spend every month after mandatory expenses (mortgage, HOA, utilities, student loan, etc.). For two people, it's doable but it's going to be crazy tight.

I feel like I'm complaining but please know I still feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I met the love of my life who is going to be my husband and have a wonderful home in my favorite neighborhood. Our home will still be there next year and no one is going to judge us for not making it perfect right off the bat.

Anyone else putting plans on hold to save money for the Big Day? Want to join me at Costco as I stock up on a 9 month supply of Top Ramen?

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