October 9, 2013

It's the Little Things

Part of what extends a one-weekend project into two full weeks are all the little things that go wrong. I already talked a bit about the spray-gun debacle, but added onto that list were buying the wrong shelf holders, having to travel to a few different home depot's to get all the hinges we needed, and not getting a clean edge where the cabinets meet the ceiling. That last one had me so frustrated as I peeled off the painter's tape last night that I ended up removing the old blinds in frustration with a lot of cursing thrown in there. If I can find the right can with the left over ceiling paint this should be an easy-enough fix, but I'm just so ready to move on to the next project. On top of that, we didn't really get the sides of the cabinets with the spray gun so I have the pleasure of painting all those by hand. I figured it wouldn't be too hard once the doors were hanging but I forgot the hinges are mounted on the outside which means I need to at least paint that edge first.

Back to the store with both of you.

Bleed through

Lots of it.

It would be so nice to get things right on the first try, but in the end it's worth it. Luckily none of these 'mess-ups' were that costly. Anyone have a story where things went horribly wrong?

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