October 31, 2013


Apartment Therapy had an interesting article the other day about how to cultivate creativity in your everyday life. I liked the article itself but one of the comments is what really stuck out for me. I often find myself staring at tax forms or at the greige walls of my cube wishing I had a 'creative' job where I was immersed in colors, fabric swatches, and light fixtures all day. I never really thought about the opposite - someone living my dream life wishing they were an accountant.

I know there are other ways to find creativity in a job that's otherwise pretty black and white, but in my case, "creative accounting" has a whole different meaning (and not necessarily a good one). There is the obvious suggestion of developing your passion on the side or as a hobby, but the all-or-nothing in me thinks I would be better served by focusing on one or the other. For instance, as far as career development, I should be spending my nights and weekends studying for my CPA exams but instead I opted to spend the last three weekends on the kitchen cabinets.

Mike lucked out with a career that has components of each embedded in his job description, but for those of us on the extremes of either side, how do you make it work for you?

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