November 4, 2013

The Prettiest Corner of the Yard

Having an entire house to redecorate can be overwhelming and paralyzing but I've found that just focusing on one small area at a time works really well and this corner of our back patio was just begging for some love.

I ended up taking Friday afternoon off and found myself outside wanting to get my hands dirty so I headed to the garden store. November isn't the best time to start a container garden but living in an area where it never snows and rarely gets below freezing does have its advantages.

This is also an excellent example of re-using what we already had. The bar with hooks and metal container was from the apartment's kitchen, both planters we already had, and the small bbq set was a gift from Mike's parents (the bbq is just out of the shot to the right). The wood and metal lanterns are a favorite end-of-season-sale find from none other than Safeway! At $7 each (down from $34), Mike and I couldn't help but buying out the remaining stock. I love how they glow with battery-powered candles inside.

As for what I planted, the white planter is sweet basil, the dark grey is organic spearmint, and sadly I can't recall the name of the tall purple plant or it's little white flowered companion but I know they grow well in direct sunlight. Here's to hoping they don't die while I'm away at training in Chicago this week... Neither Mike nor I have a green thumb but we're trying here :)

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