November 22, 2013


"Do you know what elegance is? 
It is not only what you're wearing,
 it is how you wear it, 
who you are inside

It is the way you decorate your house, 
what you surround yourself with, 
what books you read and what your interests are."

-Carolina Herrera

Sometimes elegance is associated with snobbery but I think the way Carolina describes it is such a worthy goal and a resolution I plan to stick with this coming year. At 25, I realize I'm still very young but something happened this year where all-of-a-sudden, I feel like a grown up. 

But don't worry friends, I'm not planning on abandoning my goofiness any time soon -- I just want to be more mindful of my thoughts and how I present myself both at work and in my personal life. 

I know it's only November, but what personal attributes are you hoping to focus on this upcoming year?

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