November 13, 2013

I'm an {Art} Committment-Phobe

If your house is anything like mine, you have tons of frames and nothing to fill them with. Art is that one aspect of decor that stumps me yet I don't feel like a room is complete without it. I'm drawn most towards art with simplistic shapes and words but feel like those options are very 'safe'.

I want to be adventurous in design decisions but the price tag of most pieces leave me paralyzed. Questions like, "What if I don't like it three years" or "What if it doesn't mesh well with what I already have" make pulling the trigger near impossible.

As I was staring at the bare frames on my picture rails I just installed in the master bedroom, I started to brainstorm how I could expand my collection and develop an eye for what I like. The best option I could come up with is I need to start exposing myself to more art. I have an idea of what speaks to me, now I just need to expand on it.

These three are currently in my collection and make me smile or inspire me in one way or another everyday. Do you have any tips on how to curate a collection you are proud of or secret sources of affordable art? Please share.

WRDBNR // Andrew Miller // Three of the Possessed

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