November 7, 2013

Good Taste

I usually don't have time to read through the actual articles in fashion magazines but there was an exception when I was getting my hair done a few weeks back. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of the article but it was in the October issue of Elle. The author of the post was writing about letting go of controlling what her young daughter wears and how her girl surprised her with an excellent sense of style that the author attributed to her parenting... the article was a little condescending but also very real.

What really stood out to me was the following quote: 

"With taste comes exclusion; 
once you know what is good,
what is bad starts to feel like an assault."

The quote stems from a mother worrying about putting to much emphasis of style in fear that she would alter her daughter's view of the world, but I think the quote extends beyond fashion. Although "assault" is a bit dramatic, I have definitely experienced this in my own life as I've taken a greater interest in design and interiors.

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